Electricity Blackout -How To Encounter It?

Electricity Blackout-How To Encounter It

What to do when you are encountering a power outage or energy blackout? Panicking is something that you should stay far away from! Be prepared by documenting the subsequent points on what can be done before and after a power outage or electricity blackout.

The Energy Minister has mentioned that the cold snap which hit the east coast of Australia is posing a threat to the electricity supply. This might lead to an electricity blackout and a hike in electricity prices. With the commencement of winter, you surely cannot turn off your equipment, freezing yourself. But what you can do to combat this electricity blackout is you can make yourself prepared! 

Read more about the electricity blackout in Australia. 

Blackouts can be planned or even unplanned, which might run for days or weeks. You obviously cannot live with uncertainty.

So, before an electricity blackout, what action plan can you follow?

Here are two simple action plans to follow.

  • Emergency kit and potable water: Make sure to store a couple of days worth of water and a survival kit for emergencies. This can include emergency numbers, torch, extra batteries etc.

  • Make sure to lean more towards renewable sources of energy, like wind, water or sunlight. 

If you haven’t prepared in advance, what measures can you take during the blackout?

4 practical and usable measures to take during the electricity blackout.

  • Make sure to check the safety switch isn’t tripped. If not, contact your energy provider.
  • Turn off the gadgets consuming electricity like TV, iron, microwave etc. This will enable you to avoid harm or impairment to your supplies during the surge of energy.
  • Connect to local news on the radio and even contact your neighbours for immediate help or to lend them help.
  • Keep a light switched on for noting the return of the power supply.


The most ideal advice and action are to switch to renewable sources to prevent being part of the electricity blackout and load shedding.

Sustainability to evade electricity blackout!

With offline coal-powered plants, the need to go renewable is increasing day by day. 

AYKA Solar is a reputable retailer and installer for renewable sources of solar supplies. They harbour a wide variety of things that range from solar panels to solar batteries. With a huge customer base, they have acquired a perfect 5* rating on Google for their exemplary services and guidance. They have installed around 50,000 + solar systems in Australia.

Their actions speak for themselves when I include that they provide you with premium products and besides that, they even make sure to give you a wonderful warranty that will last you for a decade! Their vision is to be available for every resident of Australia and thus, here they are helping you out in a time of dire need!

Switching to a renewable supply has several benefits.

  • Constant and reliable supply. When coupled with the best Installer, the match is made in heaven!
  • Do not have to worry about electricity blackouts. With no connection to the grid, you are free to use as much as your panels generate
  • Store more when you generate excess. The most prominent benefit is that you have the ability to store using batteries.
  • Several batteries are even designed to aid you during power outages. Read more about solar batteries and find which one is the most suitable to fulfill your needs during an electricity blackout.

For more information, about anything and everything related to your solar panel installation, CALL US! Consider us to be your partner to solve your solar energy crisis. AYKA Solar signifies assistance and services anytime and every time!

Read more about Blackout!

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