Trying to find a solution to all your Solar Energy Problems?

Solutions For Solar Energy Problems

Do you have Solar Energy Problems? Do not fret!

We have got you covered!

The sun is indeed a vast topic to cover, but the solar energy that we produce using the sun is very small compared to it! So gear up and let’s dig deep into what the sun has got to offer you. What is solar power? Solar power is a sustainable and renewable form of clean energy. Let us discuss answers related to Solar energy, the sustainable rooftop and the North-facing rooftop. Get your questions and queries cleared in a minute.

With advancements in technology, we have learnt ways to do the impossible into beneficial things for our survival. Coal held the energy game for so many years that we had forgotten that this alternative was also a possibility. 

Shifting to renewable energy has provided mankind with no limit. No limit to his discoveries and his energy consumption. Finding solar energy has been our asset and key to our future.

In this blog, we try to answer all the most frequently asked questions about solar energy. Before you invest in solar, let us go through the answers one by one at a time.

1. Who can we call an accredited solar installer? How to find them?

The CEC or Clean Energy Council gives certification to solar installers and retailers. These people have passed the assessment of the CEC and have quality panels. These are the ones you can trust and invest your money in. It is always advised to scour for an accredited retailer and approach a couple of them for quotes to compare sizes, price, quality, brand and offers. 

Most of the time, accredited solar installers will have the best warranties and discounts for premium products. If you have an option for extended warranties, buy them! Since solar is a long-term one-time investment, you should make it worth it. Ask around and explore more to find CEC accredited installers list.

2. Do you have a suitable rooftop for solar installation?

Doesn’t matter which roof type you have, terracotta, brickwork or concrete, Solar panel installers have got you covered. If there is an ample amount of sunlight falling on your roof, and there is less shading then, half the job is complete. If you have shading on your panels, make sure to contact Your local solar retailer

They will help you sort out the installation process and then it is just a piece of cake for you. If you live in Australia, then check out AYKA Solar, an accredited solar retailer who will help you constantly throughout your solar installation journey and have a wonderful support system assisting you after the installation.

3. How important is a North-facing panel for solar energy? Can I still install solar panels and avail its benefits?

Yes, you can. Since Australia is a sunny land, most of the regions have a huge supply of sunlight throughout the year making it more suitable for solar installation. A North-facing panel typically has a better capacity to utilise sunlight to convert it to usable power. 

Even east or west-facing panels generate well enough to provide for the household. It can generate around 15% less than a North-facing panel, which is also a good number. The peak hours of the sunlight are around 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. 

You could make the most of your solar by using the peak time window for your benefit and running most of your power-consuming devices and appliances. 

May it be a home or business, your solar panel installers will always have good suggestions and ideas if you have less sunlight in your area. 

It all comes down to how you change your weakness to your advantage. For example, this could include you getting up early to make use of the east-facing roof or use more in the evening for a west-facing roof.

Explore more answers to all your solar-related questions. Click Here!


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