How Many Solar Panels Do You Need? Does Solar Panel Size affect Output?

Calculate Solar Panels And Energy You Need

Deciding how many solar panels Sydney you’ll need for your house means first knowing your goals. Do you aim to minimize your carbon footprint on the environment? Maximize your return on your investment? Reduce your high energy bills? Most people want to save money while reducing the damage to the environment.

There are few factors to calculate how many solar panels you need: 

The easiest solution here is to consult a professional solar installer Sydney who can give you a free home solar evaluation and help you decide the system size.

1. How much solar energy will you need?

In order to determine your home’s average energy requirements, have a look at your past utility bills. You can calculate how many solar panels Sydney you need by multiplying your household’s hourly energy consumption by the peak sunlight hours in your area and divide that by a solar panel’s wattage. 

If you work with AYKA Solar, our team of solar experts will handle all these calculations for you. Here are few basic questions that we answer for you about solar panel system size influence on its output.

2. How many watts do your house currently use?

Your average daily energy consumption is your target daily average to calculate your solar needs. That’s the number of kilowatt-hours your solar system Sydney needs to produce if you want to cover all 100 percent of your energy requirements.

It’s important to note that solar panels in Sydney don’t operate at maximum efficiency at all times. Sometimes weather conditions, for example, can temporarily reduce your solar system’s efficiency.

3. How many hours of sunlight your area gets?

The peak sunlight hours in your house location will directly impact the energy you expect from your home solar system Sydney. For example, if you live in New Castle, you can expect more peak sunlight hours. 

To calculate, multiply your hourly usage by 1,000 to convert your hourly power generation need into watts. Divide your average hourly watt requirement by the number of daily peak sunlight hours in your area. By doing this, you can have the amount of energy your solar panels Sydney needs to produce every hour. 

4. How does solar panel size affect?

When you have a small or unusual-shaped roof, solar panel size and numbers are essential to consider. If you have a large usable roof, you can sacrifice some efficiency and buy more larger solar panels Sydney to achieve your targeted energy output. But in case your functional roof area is limited and small or has shade on half of it, being able to use fewer smaller high-efficiency panels may be the best way to make the possible power over the long term, ultimately saving you more money.

Now that you know the answers to the above questions, this will give you an idea of the appropriate number of solar panels in Sydney for your electricity generation needs. Next, a professional solar installer Sydney needs to assess your roof architecture, angle of the sunlight, and other factors in order to see if you’d be able to physically arrange the correct number of solar panels on your roof to achieve your daily energy production goals

Speak to solar expert Request a call back to discuss your solar needs.

Let us analyse your electricity bills to find the best solar panels and system for your household or business.