Upgrade Solar System at the Right or Best Time

Right Time To Upgrade Your Solar System

When can you boost your solar system? The invention of solar system has been a boon and a blessing for mankind. Usage of technology facilitated us to be sustainable on a budget, and we did use it well! Since it’s been a few years, is it the right time to upgrade and enhance the system? 

The answer is yes you can! But, why should you upgrade an existing solar system? 

Here are a few reasons: 

1. Advancement in technology

Old is gold, but new could be better when we speak of solar system! There are many options in the market that are much better, efficient and cost-effective. Due to application of advanced technology, the budget will fit your pocket and your roof. 

As time passes, the efficiency will decline with age. So, substituting the solar system would be a suitable way to jumpstart your power production. Nothing remains stagnant and constant. There is a probability that your energy consumption could have increased and you may require more energy than you used to use. 

2. Better output counters the low performance of older solar panels

These solar panels are designed in such a way that they end up producing more than the previous solar panels. According to CEC guidelines, it is recommended that the solar panels in Australia should have an incline of 30 degrees to the North. This is also advantageous for removing any shadows and delivers optimum inclination.

3. Upgrades could also mean adding a solar inverter or extra solar battery

Even though they feel like an extra expense, these devices are well worth the money. They are extremely versatile and beneficial in the long run. When you invest in a Solar System, you can reap most of it’s benefits with a solar battery and a solar inverter. These come in handy when the solar system yields plenty of power. 

Solar batteries can either keep them for a long time or even help you get government returns if the system is connected back to the grid. Even if you don’t generate a lot to return to the grid, you can always use them during the night hours when there is no sunlight.

4. Upgrades are much cheaper than installing brand-new solar system

Despite the fact that solar panel systems do not require much maintenance, a bit of care won’t hurt your wallet or the system. The care you take can last you long enough for you to reap all its benefits. After a system ages, say over 20 years, its efficiency degrades, and it is better to replace it with a new one than to upgrade it. Well, if your inverter has good capacity and the solar panels are in working condition, you can always add more solar panels to your solar panel system.

5. Warranty

There are two types of warranty

  • Product Warranty– Used for equipment failure or faults.
  • Performance Warranty– Used to guarantee the performance and efficiency of the panels. This warranty is tricky. If the system ends up degrading after the provided time period of the warranty, you might incur losses.

Always keep an eye on your warranty. You will be glad that you are taking care of the system now and then when you discover a small error. This is because you will not let it pass unnoticed till it becomes a big issue. Take my advice, care a bit! Read more on the type of warranty your solar system installer has mentioned.

So, when should you change your system and settle for a new one?

Escalated power bills are the first thing that you notice, besides the fact that the system is older than 20 years. Regardless of whether you maintain your system, read your monthly bill. Contact your solar energy provider if there is any abnormality or if your system needs replacing or has a malfunction. 

With time, the efficiency of the solar system will decrease a bit. As it ages, its efficiency will decrease, and it won’t be worth much to you. A mix of old and newly installed solar panels together could also degrade and reduce the overall efficiency of your system. It is better to recycle such systems or sell them to a scrap dealer or collector. It’s wise to get rid of old things when they aren’t good for you or the environment. Read more on how efficiency can change the solar panel system output to your benefit from the article.

If all this is too much of a hassle, then contact your Local Solar Expert for FREE QUOTE.

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